Shipping Rates

We currently offer shipping at the following rates and times:

US Domestic - Regular

Weight Price Delivery Time
(Business Days)
0 - 0.5lb $4.50 1-4 USPS
0.51lb - 0.75lb $5.50 1-4 USPS
0.76lb - 1lb $6.50 1-4 USPS
1.1 - 2 lbs $8 1-4 USPS
2.1 - 3 lbs $10 1-4 USPS
Every additional pound + $1 1-4 USPS

US Domestic - Express (except Alaska and Hawaii)

Weight Price Delivery Time
(Business Days)
0 - 2 lbs $11 1-3 FedEx
2.1 - 3 lbs $13 1-3 FedEx
3.1 - 4 lbs $16 1-3 FedEx
4.1 - 5 lbs $20 1-3 FedEx
Every additional pound + $5 1-3 FedEx

International - Zone 1 (Canada, Mexico)

Weight Price Delivery Time
(Business Days)
0 - 1 lbs $17 2-5 FedEx
1.1 - 2 lbs $19 2-5 FedEx
2.1 - 3 lbs $21 2-5 FedEx
3.1 - 4 lbs $24 2-5 FedEx
Every additional pound + $5 2-5 FedEx

Shipping times

US Domestic - Regular 1-4 business days USPS
US Domestic - Express 1-3 business days FedEx
International - Zone 1 2-5 business days * FedEx

All times and dates given for delivery of the products are given in good faith but are estimates only.

Please note that, usually, order fulfillment time takes 2-5 business days before shipping. Orders that contain more than 10 items might take 3-10 business days to fulfill. The countdown starts as soon as the order status changes to "Accepted". The first 24 hours, the order status will indicate "New". You can make changes to the shipping address or cancel the order. However, as soon as the order is "Accepted", it is sent to our Fulfillment Team for preparation. It is not possible to edit/cancel the orders at this point.